deb http://archive.zentyal.org/zentyal 2.3 main extra
This will automatically be added after you install "zentyal-core" package, or you add the repository using "add-apt-repository".
You will see following error in apt-get update.
W: GPG error:
http://archive.zentyal.org 2.3 InRelease: The following signatures
couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY
You can not find any public key for this.
You can fix this by one of followings
- comment out zentyal's repository in source.list (/etc/apt/source.list.d/zentyal-archive.list)
- adding key of "archive.zentyal.org" with following commend if you trust them.
wget http://keys.zentyal.org/zentyal-2.3-archive.ascsudo apt-key add zentyal-2.3-archive.asc && sudo apt-get update
Just a note, this also works for 3.4 as well, use
ReplyDeletewget http://keys.zentyal.org/zentyal-3.4-archive.asc
sudo apt-key add zentyal-3.4-archive.asc && sudo apt-get update
works for 3.5 as well